Both Marty Rossman in his book, The Worry Solution and Lissa Rankin in her Daily Flame for your inner pilot light teach us to change what we can and not worry about things we cannot change. Lissa writes, Dear Jerome, The world is full of people trying to change the things they can’t, and not […]
Change what We Can
How to Relieve Your Sense of Urgency

This video from Positive Magazine teaches you how to relieve your sense of urgency as well as eliminate anxiety and worry. Leo Buscaglia says, “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” My friend, Dr. Marty Rossman in The Worry Solution says, Worry is the most common form of […]
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Meditation Furthers

On Saturday, I had an incredible experience with Jessica Zerr, an intuitive body worker and yoga teacher. It is really hard to describe what a bodywork session with Jessica is like. Once we introduced her to a lot of friends, it became very difficult to get an appointment with her. Everyone liked her and many […]
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Connecting With Your Inner Advisor

My friend, Dr. Marty Rossman, in addition to being a medical doctor, author, and acupuncturist, is the founder of what is now called interactive guided imagery. It is the granddaddy of creative visualization! He as trained more than a thousand people how to use guided imagery in a therapeutic environment. One of his most famous […]
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8 Ancient Beliefs

In a recent article in the Huffington Post, Alana Hall reported on 8 Ancient Beliefs Now Backed By Modern Science. These beliefs are embraced in Arianna Huffington’s new book, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder, part of which is dedicated to scientific breakthroughs that often […]
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9 Ways To Stop Worrying

Now that the holidays are over and many people are back to their normal lives, it may be difficult to keep the spirit of the holidays high. Negative emotions like fear, worry, anxiety, depression, stress, and anger may begin to emerge once more. Even worse, the holidays may have brought little or no relief from […]
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10 Big Ideas To Turn On Skinny Genes

Dr. Dean Ornish demonstrated that targeted lifestyle changes can turn on disease-fighting genes and turn off disease-promoting genes. I heard him speak about how lifestyle changes reversed heart disease at Dr. Marty Rossman‘s Academy for Guided Imagery convention in Hawaii many years ago. Now his work is going mainstream. One of the exceptional doctors to […]
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Self Healing With Dr. Lissa Rankin

An upcoming National Public Television special on self healing with Dr. Lissa Rankin is going to be aired this week in various places around the country. She offers scientific proof that you can heal yourself. Her talk is called Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine. Mind Over Medicine is the title of her new book that […]
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